Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Belly Problems...

So... Axel has belly problems today... He spit up all morning long, and cried even longer. I tried putting him down in his bed... but he cried and screamed and cried and dad and i couldn't take it any longer. Mike brought him into me and i snuggled up to him and he went to sleep. He did however sleep in his own bed last night, so i dont feel so bad. :) 

I got to talk to my KAYLA JO today. and i miss her tons. I cant wait for Bean to get here. I cant wait to find out what it is, and send her all my baby stuff... I'm sending her baby books, some clothes for bean, and some for her. I just love her!!! :) (and bmft isn't soo bad either!)

Mike got approved for graduation. So he will be graduating in MAY! yay. that means i should be back in school within the next year. Here i come NURSING!!! 

I have a feeling this weekend is going to be SUPER hard for me. It'll be 2 years since troy passed away and a year since we got pregnant!!! CRAZYYYYYYYYYY!!! 

Monday, November 29, 2010


Sooo much has been going on. Axel is getting so big... i can not believe it... He weighs about 15 lbs now... He's my Chunky! As  most of you know, he used to sleep with me, but since we've been "home" he hasn't really. Big accomplishment for me. He is sleeping most of the night now, and it makes me happy, until he wakes up at the butt crack of dawn and wont let me go back to sleep! I cant believe how much i love him. I could never in a million years express to you the love i have for him.
I CANNOT wait until Baby Taylor is born. (one of my best friends is having a baby in June), and we've decided if it is a girl, BT and Axel will have a pre-arranged marriage, so that Kayla and I can be in-laws! :) haha.

Pictures of Axel can be seen on my facebook! He's sooo stinkin' cute! You have to go LOOK! :)